Monday, April 18, 2011

On those that come and go in our lives, how I deal with the why?

Everyone has their own path to walk. No one else can walk it with them. We converge as friends, family, acquaintances, lovers, for a time. To teach each other a little more about ourselves. Who we are and who we are not...but in the end each much follow his own path to God. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

On Atheists and Agnostics...

If there is one thing I know about those who do not believe it is this... There will come a time in each and every one of their lives that they WILL come to need and know God. Just because they do not believe in Him, does not mean that He does not believe in them. And He STILL loves us all the same....Amen!! =)

Time to slow down...

The rat race has become SO HUGE and out of control that no one even stops to notice the sunrise, the sunset, the smile of a child. No one has time to hug, to laugh, to just be...We need to be less about money and the latest gadget or the biggest home and fanciest car. We do not need the latest fashion design. We need each other. =)

On dealing with friends, family, and loved ones...

Spend your precious time with those that care and love you. Do not waste it on those who don't. They will not value it, and you will not get it back to spend with those who do.

If they hit you, that means they don't like you very much...One of my mother's best quotes!! HAHAHAA!! But so very true. Do not waste your life by staying in an abusive relationship of ANY kind. Mental or Physical.

The rules I live by and opinions for a good life Part 1...

1. Family comes first. I do not say that God comes first because God is part of my family and my soul therefore I feel he knows He is included when I say family comes first. I do not believe God is jealous or feels threatened by this opinion because he is bigger than petty details.

2. Always say I love you. Do not leave people guessing. Who knows when it will be the last time you get the chance to express your heart-felt feelings. Who knows what wounds you are healing, doubts you are erasing, or stress you are easing in that other person's life by doing so.

3. Do not sweat the petty things in life. Do not get wrapped up in things that do not amount to a hill of beans. The time, energy, and worry you waste on lesser things would be better spent on things that truly matter in life.

4. Do not judge. All lives, all paths are different. None are better than another. We are all children of God and last time I checked He needed no help doing His job. No one is perfect and we all make mistakes. Instead show compassion for those different than you. You can never know how hard their lives have been what trials they have faced. If you walked in their shoes would you have faired better? ...Are you sure about that??

5. Do not live beyond your means. If you want it, you must work for it and earn it. We are entitled to nothing in life except the air we breathe, and the planet we walk on. We make our own journey or we break it. No one owes us anything except ourselves. There is nothing in life you TRULY NEED except for food, shelter, and clothing to protect you from the elements. Everything else is really a luxury when you think about it. You do not NEED it to survive therefore you are not ENTITLED to it unless you work for it.
We do not NEED HUGE houses, or fancy cars, or the LATEST in TRENDY fashion. We do not NEED cell phones that will wipe our asses, ipods, ipads, MONSTROUS televisions, or THOUSAND dollar purses and shoes. Can you eat em? No?? What good are they then?  Children are starving. People are on all kinds of government assistance and cannot even afford to go to the doctor, but they GOTTA HAVE this crap....

Monday, March 21, 2011

My mother...

It is a known fact that when coal is held under extreme heat and pressure for an extended period of time it produces something beautiful....My mother says if that we were coal and let life's pressures and stresses get to us, we would all be shitting diamonds. LOL!! I love my mother.

Profound advice on Undewear and other things...

When the elastic is shot in your chones, you throw them out...You do not hold onto them hoping they will change. What are you holding on to?? How long you gonna spend holding them up?
- Misty McCool